Thursday, June 28, 2007

Assignment 10 - New Perspectives on the Challenges We Face

Dr. Zhao had some amazing insights in the podcast with Alan November. A couple of points got me thinking...
** Increasing students ability to communicate globally with regard to language and culture. This would be a major jump up from traditional penpals to sharing our language in culture through websites, blogs, podcasts, and video. There is certainly the challenge of finding an international connection but increasing this kind of communication would be very possible at the elementary level.
**A requirement for students to particpate in online learning in order to graduate. Love this one!! Would this requirement have to be set at the state level or could we do it locally? And who takes on responsibility of educating and swaying the powers at be? We would open a lot of doors for students if we offered online classes that expand on the current subjects that we offer.
**I think there are implications for staff development as well. No longer do we need to pay thousands of dollars to bring in a single presenter when we may be able to participate in national presentations and conferences that are offered online.


iliketech said...

I like the idea of teaching students how to access learning online. I'm not sure if it would catch on as a way of offering instruction at Hilton. In a way we used to do that with the long distance learning lab. Most schools in Monroe county had such a lab and now most do not. If a course was popular we hired a teacher to do the same thing in house. For many rural schools that don't have the resources that we have it offers a great way to offer new courses. The old long distance learning labs were expensive. Today it would be very cheap to do the same thing with a microphone, computer and webcam.

teacherlee said...

I also like the idea of teaching students online. I know this would take a lot of preparartion but doesn't everything we do? I think the students would definitely be more engaged.
Terri, I like your observation and comment about staff development. Taking this online course has opened me to more ideas and thoughts than the many presenters we have had in Hilton. Though they were sometimes inspiring did they prepare us to be digital learners, to if not compete with our students, at least be comfortable in a world that is rich in meaning for our learners?

Mrs. Boccuzzi-Reichert said...

Online learning will certainly open the doors and the world to our students and our staff. I have found this course eyeopening! Not to mention it has allowed me to take staff development while being home with my family.

I agree with Jason, the online option is becoming easier and less expensive to access which may afford more opportunities for students.

My question - how is the digital divide being dealt with? I feel in Hilton we are lucky in our ITT departments planning, insturction and knowledge - many areas aren't as fortunate...

Denise said...

I love the idea of communicating globally. I guess especially at the elementary school level. Not that it wouldn't be educational at the intermediate level of education. I think the younger the child, the more open they are to other people and cultures. They are more innocent to the ways of the world and I think more open to people of differnet cultures. I hope some communication with our teacher from New Zealand will blossom next year.

Nat said...

As a LOTE teacher, I’m really excited by all of the developing technology for language and culture learning. Instead of a traditional pen/paper pen pal, students can have live chats/video conferences with people in other countries. I’m hoping that many Americans will start seeing the value/relevance/necessity in learning another language.

Betrus said...

Great point about having presentors, consultants, etc. available to teachers as well. You are always thinking! I never thought about using technology in the classroom involving anything more than a computer. The YouTube clip was a real eye-opener for me.
I think schools need to help teachers feel comfortable with the technology that the students are already using.