Saturday, June 9, 2007

Collaborative Bookmarking (Reflection 2)

Now that I have explored collaborative bookmarking, I can see many possibilities for my grade level. My grade level (K) frequently teaches around thematic units. We will often discuss or share ideas at meetings or on the fly! If we all set up a accounts, we could set up two tags. One for sites used as teacher resources and one used for sites that can be used with kids. Since the themes change we could be adding to the tags monthly. Once you have a commitment from teachers to do this, there would be a whole new wealth of infomation being found and shared. One benefit of this would be an increase of new technology used with students in the classroom. I have been particularly worried to see so many classroom computers off recently. Maybe if more teachers are finding and bookmarking cool sites for kids to use, they will actually get used!! I am planning on using our summer curriculum day to help everyone set up an account - What do you think?


Mrs. Boccuzzi-Reichert said...

I agree. I have found that having sites I use often bookmarked I visit them more frequently.

What a great idea of creating an ongoing list of different sites by themes. How would the students access them? Would you create a account up for the classroom that would just include the student bookmarks that you want them to use?

I know the elementary schools will be subscribing to databases again (YEAH) don't forget to access those for great sites and information.

teacherlee said...

What a great idea to utilize part of your summer curriculum day for helping people set up accounts. At my grade 5 level, we also do projects based on a concept. I would like to broaden the students' base for research and I do think that bookmarking would help. I am not sure I know how to make it private or limited so that they don't get into inappropriate sites but I know that the guru, Lori will help with that. Good luck!

Denise said...

I never hurts to share! :) There are so many awesome sites that people come across accidentally that are great for kids. It's so hard to find those sites for the younger grade levels. If everyone would collaborate that would save a lot of time. Time is always something that we all don't have enough of. You go girl....get those accounts set up over the summer!

iliketech said...

I think book marking is a good idea and it can save time in the classroom. It seems that at least 5 minutes is wasted daily when we use a website, as there are always a few students who do not type the url correctly.

Anonymous said...

I think your idea for using delicious is great...may I suggest you allow the special area teachers in on this. I know I personally would find great benefit in knowing what is up an coming for your children and use it to adjust my planning accordingly. My professional goal for all of last year was basically the paper version of your idea. I worked on it with Erin and Heather. Using the computer would make it accesible to all involved. Do you think it would be okay to add us music folks?

Unknown said...

Gosh, Linda, I think it would be a great idea for special area teachers to be included. Anything that promotes collaboration between teachers, grade levels, disciplines, etc. and makes that collaboration easier definitely gets my vote!

Betrus said...

I was not surprised to see that you commented on using collaborative bookmarking. It is what I am reflecting on as well. (always on the same page!) In regards to collecting resources, it simplifies ones access to them and puts them all in one place for everyone to use. And it is another way to keep a doorway between US! We should add the website for the Scott Foresman Math Program/ Investigations and any other district adopted program support sites that we may not be refering to regularly.

Mrs. Donovan said...

I think it's a great idea! I was thinking of doing the same thing with the other reading specialists. We are always looking for new and helpful websites. I know I'm guilty of spending an enormous amount of time looking on the web for information and now it will be so much easier. With everyone working together, hopefully we will gain a lot of ideas and information. Think of all the time we will save. This also might be an idea for one of the technology meetings next year. What do you think?

Unknown said...

I think this would be a great topic for our tech study groups! Social bookmarking is one of those tools that is hard to get people excited about until they actually use it. Then the possibilities start flowing and they are hooked! I'll count on all of you to help spread the enthusiasm of this with our colleagues!

Carol said...

Sharing of information is so important (including technology websites/learning) - this enhances my teaching. Last year, I worked with a teacher who taught me how to podcast! This year I would also love to collaborate with my level and create bookmarking on I would also like to list the district adopted websites in one place to access as needed. Great ideas!